Apr 27, 2011

an empty shell

Be sure to fill yourself with inner beauty,
because near the end of life.. you will be stripped of all youth, possessions, masks..
and be left only with what once filled that shell

Apr 16, 2011

Thought of the Day

Keep your face always towards the sun- and the shadows will naturally fall behind you :)

Apr 10, 2011

The time between us

Too bad time cannot be bartered or borrowed like money,
nor can it be taken back or given up.
It is a funny thing,
At times we ask for more of it, at times we wish it would just go by faster.
And as much as we wish we could control it with a remote control.. pause.. fast forward...
We have absolutely no control over it,
We are forced to live through every single second of it
until one day it may be taken from us unexpectedly.
It's the one thing that keeps life moving forward,
yet sometimes it feels like the barrier to my life.

This winter has gone by so slowly without you by my side,
but now that we are only one and a half months away from being together,
time seems to go by even slower because you are so far... yet so close..
I miss you dearly and cannot wait for the time between us to go by :)

Time is the one thing that money cannot buy.. so what is its true value?
A lifetime of memories and happiness :)

Apr 5, 2011

Anything I'm not

Sometimes we just want to escape
escape to a paradise
to a place with no worries or expectations

Inspired by Lenka's Anything I'm Not

Apr 4, 2011

"Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weakness."

~ Marie de Vichy-Chamrond, Marquise du Deffand, Letters to Voltaire