Nov 30, 2010

Realize the value of lost time..

How many hours in a day do we spend waiting?
Waiting for the water to heat up, waiting for the coffee to brew, waiting for our hair to dry, waiting for an email reply, waiting for someone to pick up, waiting for youtube to load, waiting for food to be served, waiting for the meeting to start, waiting for the bus, waiting in line, waiting for dinner time, waiting for the party to start, waiting for the red light to turn green, waiting for a confirmation, waiting for someone else to make a decision that will affect you, waiting for a better sale, waiting for a better opportunity, waiting for the something to happen, waiting for life to happen to you..

You may not notice it but every single second of waiting adds up. Every second spent waiting is an opportunity lost. When you look back at the end of the day, think about what you could have achieved instead of waiting.. We already spend one-third of our day sleeping.. make the most out of the remaining two-thirds!

To realise the value of ten years, ask a newly divorced couple.
To realise the value of one year, ask a student who has failed a final exam.
To realise the value of nine months, ask a mother who gave birth to a still born baby.
To realise the value of one month, ask the mother of a premature baby.
To realise the value of one week, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realise the value of one hour, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realise the value of one minute, ask a person who has missed their train.
To realise the value of one second, ask a person who has survived an accident.
To realise the value of one millisecond, ask the person who won a silver medal.

Nov 29, 2010

Before-HK Resolutions

The things I want to do to maintain a healthy mind and body during stressful exam period and in preparation for the holidays :)

1. sleep by 12:30 and wake up at 8- proper sleeping cycle is more important than anything!
2. 4 glasses of water a day- don't be dehydrated!
3. mask 3x/week-prevent pimples and dry wrinkly skin
4.body oil and lotion every night- hydrate and protect skin from harsh weather and tighten skin post-workout
5. take good care of my new macbook pro
6. personal training 2x/ week. go to gym at least 6 days a week- even if its just to stretch
7. take grape seed and green powder every morning -antioxidant and good for digestive system
8. eat healthy! no more sweets, junk food- keep calorie intake in check!! oatmeal,cranberries,blueberries, banana for brunch, veggies, chicken, fish, whole wheat for dinner and no eating after 7:30 except apples and other fruits
9. listen to rihanna's only girl
10. stay positive :D
11. do one good thing a day as a milestone of my growth

Nov 13, 2010

When i first started driving, i only looked at the car directly in front of me. when its red brake lights came on i just followed suit, brakng only when they did and gassing otherwise.. it was just like playing a video game, a game of how well i could copy the person in front of me...

Then one day, i followed too close and almost hit them because they braked all of a sudden. Fortunately my car has good brakes and i stopped in time, but the car behind me did not and hit my rear end. I got off my car and checked my back, but when the lady who hit my car said that i did not have any scratches and that we were fine, i accepted her diagnosis and left. The next day I found out that indeed she did scratch my car, albeit it was small and barely noticable.

The lessons that I learned:

Always get contact information of someone who has hit your car, regardless of your on-spot assessment. you never know what could come up. Don't believe everything people tell you, learn to make your own judgements and prepare for a back up plan.

In LIFE, even when you think your heart or feelings haven't been scratched, every single incident will leave its mark whether it be big or small. Even if you manage to prevent running into one accident, you cannot avoid what is coming from behind. So stop running from life. stop following the directions in front of you, dont brake just because the car in front of you does, don't continue on as if nothing is wrong just because there there are no stop signs, learn to look ahead and be prepared for a sudden brake. Always check your rearview mirror; it may be a cop, it may be a desperate housewife, it may even be your prince charming who has always been secretly following you. And most importantly, stop following other people's paths.

Nov 11, 2010


Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
For a long time it seemed to me that life was about to begin - real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, a debt to be paid. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life. This perspective has helped me to see there is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way.
So treasure every moment you have and remember that time waits for no one.


its easy to just look forward to 6 weeks later and to dread every single passing moment
but let's remember that distance is a gift, a gift that pulls us closer and makes the heart fonder
So let us embrace time and let it be the testimony to what may come and not the hinderance to our happiness...

Oct 26, 2010

thank you

thank you

for giving me hope for a better tomorrow
for reassuring me when i feel uncertain
for providing me with your experience and wisdom
for giving me promises that i know are not easy to give
for working so hard to make things work
for always seeing into the future when i only see now
for never criticizing my faults
for wrapping your arms around me to give me warmth and protection
for making me feel like the most fortunate woman in the world
for believing in me even when i don't
and most importantly, for touching my heart
and letting me know that we are looking at the same sunrise

Oct 23, 2010

isn't it funny how human to human interaction can cause the greatest joys on earth...
how just the thought of being together again can make the hardest experiences endurable...

There was once a soldier on the battle field... he saw that a comrade, whom he had been best friends with since childhood, had been struck down on the field. He wanted to go out and help him, but his lieutenant pulled him back and said 'are you crazy? you are gonna get yourself killed, you won't be able to save him, his wounds are fatal.' But he did not listen and ran out anyway. A while later, he returned with wounds and alone. The lieutenant asked him, 'i told you you wouldn't be able to save him, look at you now... was it worth it?' And the soldier replied, "yes, it was worth it because when I got to him he said to me 'Jim, I knew you would come...' "

Sep 27, 2010

products i swear by/keep coming back to

nivea body cream (the white jar)
electronic eyelash curler
vaseline for lips
ysl foundation, touche eclat
guerlain black mascara
bobbi brown gel eyeliner
escada perfume

the things i loved about tonight

writing on a thin stack of hilroy lined paper with a blue papermate pen

pulling up all my curtains and blinds to get as much sunlight into my room as possible

the smell of crabtree & evelyn's india hicks island living diffuser when i walk into my room

soft breeze of cool wind on a summers night

breathing in fresh air while listening to olivia ong's you and me..

things i want to do in my life

1. know how to dance salsa and be comfortable doing it in front of ppl
2. always have 'me' time.. singing, dancing, doing a mask etc..

Sep 25, 2010



are like the gentle winds that softly sweep your hair across your face
swiftly skipping along your skin
blinding your sight
yet lifting your spirits at times.

they come and go as they like
when you open your arms to it
its the power of a thousand leagues momentarily giving their blessing
when you reach up to feel it
it reminds you of the delicate flutter of a beautiful butterfly's wings
but you cannot close your grasp around it for fear of creasing its colors
you can only experience its momentary presence
so unexpected but refreshing

emotions fly away
leaving you with only the aftermath of your feelings
and leaving you.. with the man who will reach up to brush the hair out of your eyes..

Sep 23, 2010

the present

today is the first day of the rest of your life..
ask yourself, would i fall in love with myself if i met myself on the streets?
if you cannot answer yes immediately, realize that you have the power to make yourself that person you admire and that change can start now...
don't fall for peer pressure or others' expectations; realize that you will never be them but they will also never be you
there will always be someone who is greater than you at any one thing, but realize you are greater than that person at another thing
learn to live your own life..
learn to see yourself..
learn to understand yourself..
learn to love yourself; realize that everyone leads a different life and and you should not be ashamed to chase after your own dreams
lady gaga said "Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you're wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn't love you anymore."
Let me tell you,
its ok to have a dream that involves a man
its ok to believe in happily ever after
and don't worry about not getting your happy ending because true love never ends...


to think
is to forget

to remember everything
is to be unable to distinguish between the important and the irrelevant..

to age
is to let go of all the mistakes you've made

to love
is to believe that someone else can also believe in you


be thankful you only remember enough to question

be thankful that you've grown to know better

don't be cautious to love

don't ask too many questions

just believe in your future

and when you take the why out of your own future

it becomes our future

Jul 19, 2010

First time blogging

This is my first blog! I have been thinking about making a blog for the longest time but have never found the time or website to use. I started this one because I had such a great time reading my friend Anita's blog that I decided I should start documenting all the little details in my life.. :)

The first thing I would like to share is something I read from Anita's blog.
PS. Anita, thank you for inspiring me to do this :) (Check out her blog love you girl. See you in BJ on Weds!

男 人.其實你不懂

男人.其實你不懂,女人 不吵了、不鬧了、不叫了,就是真的 不愛了


女人明知道你們之間沒有未來,卻情願留在你身邊做個普通朋 友,不是她太賤,只是她舍不得 .

女人故意在你面前提到別的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一 下你,讓你多在乎她一點 .

女人不主動打電話、發信息給你,不是不想你,是她不夠自信, 你接到電話、 短信時,是否也同樣的想念她 .

如果女人不愛你,是不會對你發脾氣的,不要報怨自己的女朋友 脾氣太怪,女人只對她愛的人發脾氣.

女人不是不知道你還有別的女人,她選擇獨自傷心卻不揭穿你, 是害怕揭穿後給了你一個離開她的借口.

女人總是在你面前假裝很開心,不是她沒心沒肺,成天傻樂,只 是為了在你面前留下最美的樣子.

男人 其實你不懂

1 她總是問:你在哪呢?你現在在幹嗎? (她很想念你,只是想跟你說說話,你不給她發信息,她很
矛盾,怕你在忙,但又忍不住想你.換了別人,愛幹嘛幹嘛,她 不關心.所以請你一有時間就問候她一
下,讓她放心,讓她知道你心裡有她,她不會煩你.她總是主動 聯系你,她會覺得她賤.)

2 她說:我不開心了,我好煩. (不要怪她無理取鬧,更不能覺得她在煩你,她不是真的不開心,她只是想你了.只是想要你會來安慰她一下,哪怕是:乖,別鬧了,聽話!)

3 她說:不要感冒了./路上小心./自己多注意…… (不要嫌她煩.因為她知道你不傻,甚至是很聰明的.她只想讓你知道她心裡有你,她很想關心你)

4 她總說自己又長胖了或者長得不夠漂亮. (不要覺得她是在自卑或嫉妒別人,她只是怕自己在你眼中不夠完美.她已經在為你改變了.)

5 她總說她想要幫你,要你有什麼事一定要告訴她. (其實她知道她幫不了你什麼,她只想讓你知道你還有她,她永遠在會你身邊陪你,會一直的支持你,)

6 她看到你跟別的女生親近一些就會生氣,發小脾氣. (別說她小氣,不信任你,她其實是在吃醋,這表示她十分在乎你.即使心裡難受也會自己安慰自己.)

7 無論做什麼她總會征求你的意見. (不是她沒主見,太過依賴你,她只是尊重你,凡事以你為先.)

8 不管在哪裡她總是緊緊的和你站在一起. (她只是在告訴你她信任你.)

9 她愛憂傷,總是會多想. (不要覺得她是想太多,只是有時她會覺得缺乏安全感.)

10 她假裝生氣轉身離開. (其實,她不是真的想走,只是離開的時候希望被挽留.)

11 她會突然冷淡你,或是向你撒嬌. (別怪她孩子氣,她只是想讓你哄哄她.)

12 也許有一天她會跟你說分手. (其實,這個時候她已經喜歡你好久,只是不確定這份感情是 不是對的.她只是要你的安全感,你的舍不得,你的不要走……)